



n=6, i=3の例
-1 -1 -1 1 1








# n=8, σ=0.3, i=3
% ./noisy-bsearch 8 0.3 --answer 3 
? 3 -> 1.031
? 1 -> -0.579
? 2 -> -0.859
Found: 3 posterior=0.9999999944164625


# n=8, σ=1, i=3
% ./noisy-bsearch 8 1 --answer 3
? 3 -> 1.214
? 1 -> -0.943
? 2 -> 0.184
? 2 -> 0.901
? 1 -> -0.704
? 2 -> -2.098
? 3 -> 1.097
? 2 -> -1.715
Found: 3 posterior=0.9579616340601826


% ./noisy-bsearch 8 1 --answer 3
? 3 -> 1.813
? 1 -> 1.609
? 0 -> -1.378
? 1 -> 0.376
? 0 -> -1.202
Found: 1 posterior=0.9565230889174586


# n=100, σ=2, i=77
% ./noisy-bsearch 100 2 --answer 77
? 49 -> -1.182
? 60 -> -1.373
? 70 -> -0.116
? 71 -> 0.242
? 69 -> -0.160
? 70 -> -4.324
? 83 -> -0.343
? 84 -> -0.377
? 85 -> 2.448
? 79 -> 4.538
? 73 -> -0.290
? 74 -> -0.890
? 75 -> -1.684
? 77 -> 2.514
? 75 -> -1.450
? 76 -> -1.166
? 76 -> -4.089
? 77 -> 0.621
? 77 -> -2.006
? 78 -> 2.714
? 77 -> -0.352
? 77 -> 1.402
? 77 -> -0.629
? 77 -> -2.606
? 77 -> -0.347
? 78 -> 1.579
? 77 -> 7.286
? 76 -> 2.773
? 76 -> 0.334
? 76 -> -1.448
? 76 -> 0.915
? 76 -> 1.719
? 76 -> -2.039
? 76 -> -3.672
? 76 -> -0.300
? 77 -> 1.227
? 76 -> -3.140
Found: 77 posterior=0.9527731713033516




{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Lens
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Statistics.Distribution
import Statistics.Distribution.Normal
import System.Environment
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.IO
import qualified System.Random.MWC as MWC
import Text.Printf
import Text.Read

data Interaction = Human | Simulated !Int
data Mode = Help | Search

data Conf = Conf
  { _observationFile :: !(Maybe FilePath)
  , _interaction :: !Interaction
  , _verbose :: !Bool
  , _mode :: !Mode

makeLenses ''Conf

options :: [OptDescr (Conf -> Conf)]
options =
  [ Option "f" ["observation-file"]
      (ReqArg (\f -> observationFile .~ Just f) "FILE")
      "Apply observations from FILE before starting search"
  , Option "a" ["answer"]
      (ReqArg (\a -> interaction .~ Simulated (read' a)) "N")
      "Automatically respond to queries"
  , Option "v" ["verbose"]
      (NoArg (verbose .~ True))
      "Display posterior distribution at each step"
  , Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg (mode .~ Help)) "Show this help"

defaultConf :: Conf
defaultConf = Conf
  { _observationFile = Nothing
  , _interaction = Human
  , _verbose = False
  , _mode = Search

read' :: (Read a) => String -> a
read' s = fromMaybe (error $ "cannot parse " ++ s) $ readMaybe s

main :: IO ()
main = do
  args <- getArgs
  either fail id $ do
    let !(fns, nonOptions, errs) = getOpt Permute options args
    case errs of
      [] -> return ()
      _ -> Left $ unlines errs
    let conf = foldr ($) defaultConf fns
    case conf^.mode of
      Help -> return $
        putStr $ usageInfo "noisy-bsearch N SIGMA" options
      Search -> do
        (n, sigma) <- case nonOptions of
          [read' -> n, read' -> sigma] -> return (n, sigma)
          _ -> Left "expecting 2 arguments"
        return $ doSearch conf n sigma 

doSearch :: Conf -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
doSearch conf n sigma = do
  obss <- case conf^.observationFile of
    Nothing -> return []
    Just path -> map parse . lines <$> readFile path
  getAns <- getAnswer sigma $ conf^.interaction
  search conf sigma getAns
    $ foldl' (update sigma) (uniform n) obss
    parse (words -> [a, b]) = (read a, read b)
    parse str = error $ "parse errro: "  ++ str

getAnswer :: Double -> Interaction -> IO (Int -> IO Double)
getAnswer _ Human = return askInteractive
getAnswer sigma (Simulated ansIdx) = do
  gen <- MWC.createSystemRandom
  return $ \k -> do
    r <- genContVar
      (normalDistr (if ansIdx <= k then 1 else -1) sigma) gen
    _ <- printf "? %d -> %.3f\n" k r
    return r

askInteractive :: Int -> IO Double
askInteractive k = do
  putStr $ show k ++ "? "
  hFlush stdout
  ans <- getLine
  case readMaybe ans of
    Just r -> return r
    Nothing -> do
      putStrLn "Try again"
      askInteractive k

-- | 実際の探索ループ
search :: Conf -> Double -> (Int -> IO Double) -> Dist -> IO ()
search conf sigma ask = loop
    loop dist
      | Just k <- U.findIndex (>0.95) dist =
        printf "Found: %d posterior=%f\n" k (dist U.! k)
      | otherwise = do
        when (conf ^. verbose) $ print dist
        let k = medianIndex dist
        obs <- ask k
        loop $ update sigma dist (k, obs)

-- | いくつかの選択肢から一つを選ぶ確率分布
type Dist = U.Vector Double

-- | 一様分布
uniform :: Int -> Dist
uniform n = U.replicate n (1 / fromIntegral n)

-- | 観測データと事前分布から事後分布を得る
update :: Double -> Dist -> (Int, Double) -> Dist
update sigma dist (k, obs) = normalize $ U.imap upd dist
    upd i x
      | i <= k = x * likR
      | otherwise = x * likL
    -- kが正解の右側にある場合の尤度
    likR = exp (- ((obs - 1) / sigma) ^ (2::Int) / 2) / (sigma * pi * sqrt 2)
    -- kが正解の左側にある場合の尤度
    likL = exp (- ((obs + 1) / sigma) ^ (2::Int) / 2) / (sigma * pi * sqrt 2)

-- | P(answer <= k) が0.5に最も近いkを返す
medianIndex :: Dist -> Int
medianIndex = U.minIndexBy (compare `on` (abs . subtract 0.5)) . U.scanl1 (+)

-- | 合計が1になるように定数倍する
normalize :: U.Vector Double -> Dist
normalize xs = U.map (/U.sum xs) xs