ICFP Programming Contest 2014

ICFPコンテストに参加していた。今年はLightning Divisionのみで、一人チームでの参加。

Lightning Divisionの課題は、あるゲーム*1をプレイするAIを書くというもので、最初はよくある問題のように思ったのだが、結果的にはかなり楽しめた。というのも、提出するAIは決められた言語で書かなければならないのだが、その言語が機械語のようなものであって、複雑なコードを書こうと思うとまずコンパイラを書くことになる。このコンパイラのソース言語はもちろん自由なのだが、機械語の設計からして露骨にLISP系言語が優遇されている。したがって、数時間ででっちあげた自家製の糞LISP方言*2を使って、ひーひー言いながらAIを書くことになる。これがなかなか面白かった。



ここからはひたすら実装で、時間の記憶があやふやになっている。skew heap*3、キュー、幅優先探索を実装し、その過程で必要になったlength,mapといった標準関数を実装した。コンパイラにも随時手を加え、トレース命令やlist,andといった特殊形式を実装した。







. \ world0 undocumented -> . let:

  not = . \ x -> . - 1 x
  cadr = . \ x -> . car . cdr x
  cddr = . \ x -> . cdr . cdr x
  caar = . \ x -> . car . car x
  cdar = . \ x -> . cdr . car x
  caddr = . \ x -> . car . cdr . cdr x
  cdddr = . \ x -> . cdr . cdr . cdr x
  caaar = . \ x -> . car . car . car x
  cdaar = . \ x -> . cdr . car . car x
  cadar = . \ x -> . car . cdr . car x
  cddar = . \ x -> . cdr . cdr . car x
  cadddr = . \ x -> . car . cdr . cdr . cdr x
  caaaar = . \ x -> . car . car . car . car x
  cdaaar = . \ x -> . cdr . car . car . car x
  mod = . \ a b -> . - a . * b . / a b
  const = . \ x -> . \ y -> x

  ; create a list that contains @n@ copies of @a@.
  replicate = . \ n a -> .
    if n:
      cons a . replicate (- n 1) a

  ; returns the input list reversed
  reverse = . \ list -> . reverse-go list 0
  reverse-go = . \ list acc -> .
    if (atom list):
      reverse-go (cdr list) (cons (car list) acc)
  ; transform each eleemnt in the list
  map = . \ f list -> . if (atom list):
    cons (f (car list)) (map f . cdr list)

  ; return a list that contains integers m .. n
  enum-from-to = . \ m n -> . if (> m n):
    cons m . enum-from-to (+ m 1) n

  ; length of the list
  length = . \ list -> . if (atom list):
    + 1 . length . cdr list

  maximum-on = . \ default f list -> . if (atom list):
    maximum-on-go f (car list) (f . car list) (cdr list)
  maximum-on-go = . \ f best bestval list -> . if (atom list):
      val = . f . car list
      if (> val bestval):
        maximum-on-go f (car list) val (cdr list)
        maximum-on-go f best bestval (cdr list)

  minimum-on = . \ default f list -> . if (atom list):
    minimum-on-go f (car list) (f . car list) (cdr list)
  minimum-on-go = . \ f best bestval list -> . if (atom list):
      val = . f . car list
      if (> bestval val):
        minimum-on-go f (car list) val (cdr list)
        minimum-on-go f best bestval (cdr list)

  ; does the list have more than 1 element?
  list-long-p = . \ list -> .
    if (atom list):
      not . atom . cdr list
  pair-list = . \ list -> .
    if (list-long-p list):
      cons (cons (car list) (cadr list)) (pair-list . cddr list)
      if (atom list):
        cons list 0

  ; turn a non-empty list into a perfect binary tree with size
  list-to-bt = . \ list -> .
    list-to-bt-go list 1
  list-to-bt-go = . \ list s -> .
    if (list-long-p list):
      list-to-bt-go (pair-list list) (* s 2)
      cons (car list) s

  ; turn a list of lists into a tree of trees
  list-to-bt2 = . \ list -> . list-to-bt . map list-to-bt list
  list-to-bt3 = . \ list -> . list-to-bt . map list-to-bt2 list

  ; get an item from a binary tree
  index-bt = . \ k bt -> . index-bt-go (car bt) (cdr bt) k
  index-bt-go = . \ tree s k -> .
    if (> s 1):
        s1 = . / s 2
        if (>= k s1):
          index-bt-go (cdr tree) s1 (- k s1)
          index-bt-go (car tree) s1 k
  ; get an item from a nested binary tree
  index-bt2 = . \ x y bt -> . index-bt x . index-bt y bt

  index-bt3 = . \ x y z bt -> . index-bt z . index-bt2 x y bt

  ; turn a function into a binary tree
  tabulate-bt = . \ sz f -> .
    list-to-bt . map f . enum-from-to 0 (- sz 1)

  ; turn a function into a nested binary tree
  tabulate-bt2 = . \ width height f -> .
    tabulate-bt height . \ y -> .
      tabulate-bt width . \ x -> . f x y

  ; apply @f@ to the positino @k@ of the binary tree @bt@.
  modify-bt = . \ k f bt -> .
    cons (modify-bt-go (car bt) (cdr bt) k f) (cdr bt)
  modify-bt-go = . \ tree s k f -> .
    if (> s 1):
        s1 = . / s 2
        if (>= k s1):
          cons (car tree) (modify-bt-go (cdr tree) s1 (- k s1) f)
          cons (modify-bt-go (car tree) s1 k f) (cdr tree)
      f tree

  ; modify a nested binary tree
  modify-bt2 = . \ x y f bt -> .
    modify-bt y (\ row -> . modify-bt x f row) bt

  modify-bt3 = . \ x y z f bt -> .
    modify-bt2 x y (\ vs -> . modify-bt z f vs) bt

  ;; skew heap
  ; heap = 0 | (int, (a, (heap, heap)))

  ; singleton heap
  singleton-heap = . \ prio val -> .
    cons prio . cons val . cons 0 0

  merge-heap = . \ x y -> .
    if (atom x):
      if (atom y):
        if (> (car x) (car y)):
          cons (car y) . cons (cadr y) . cons (merge-heap x (cdddr y)) (caddr y)
          cons (car x) . cons (cadr x) . cons (merge-heap y (cdddr x)) (caddr x)

  insert-heap = . \ p x h -> . merge-heap h . singleton-heap p x

  heap-take-min = . \ h -> .
      cons (car h) (cadr h)
      merge-heap (caddr h) (cdddr h)

  ;; queue
  ; queue = (list, list)

  empty-queue = . cons 0 0

  singleton-queue = . \ x -> . cons (cons x 0) 0

  enqueue = . \ x q -> . cons (car q) (cons x . cdr q)

  dequeue = . \ q -> .
    if (atom (car q)):
        rev = . reverse (cdr q)
        cons (car rev) (cons (cdr rev) 0)
      cons (caar q) . cons (cdar q) (cdr q)
  null-queue = . \ q -> .
    if (atom (car q)):
      atom (cdr q)

  valid-location-p = . \ width height m x y -> . and:
    >= x 0
    > width x
    >= y 0
    > height y
    index-bt2 x y m

  opposite = . \ d -> .
    mod (+ 2 d) 4

  min-ghost-distance-from = . \ width height m start -> . 
    if (== 0 . index-bt2 (car start) (cdr start) m):
      list-to-bt3 . replicate height . replicate width . replicate 4 inf
      min-ghost-distance-from-go width height m:
        modify-bt3 (car start) (cdr start) 0 (const 0) .
          modify-bt3 (car start) (cdr start) 1 (const 0) .
          modify-bt3 (car start) (cdr start) 2 (const 0) .
          modify-bt3 (car start) (cdr start) 3 (const 0) .
          list-to-bt3 . replicate height . replicate width . replicate 4 inf
        enqueue (cons (cons start 1) 0) .
          enqueue (cons (cons start 2) 0) .
          enqueue (cons (cons start 3) 0) .
          singleton-queue (cons (cons start 0) 0)
  min-ghost-distance-from-go = . \ width height m dist q -> . if (null-queue q):
      qr = . dequeue q
      x = 0
      y = 0
      z = 0
      next-d = 0
      add = 0
      add-not-opposite = 0
      d1_q1 = 0
      has-way = 0
      <- x . caaaar qr
      <- y . cdaaar qr
      <- z . cdaar qr
      <- next-d . + 1 . cdar qr
      <- add . \ z1 dq -> . do:
        x1 = . move-x z1 x
        y1 = . move-y z1 y
        if (valid-location-p width height m x1 y1):
            <- has-way 1
            if (== inf . index-bt3 x1 y1 z1 dist):
                modify-bt3 x1 y1 z1 (const next-d) . car dq
                enqueue (cons (cons (cons x1 y1) z1) next-d) . cdr dq
      <- add-not-opposite . \ z1 dq -> . if (== z1 . opposite z):
        add z1 dq
      <- d1_q1 .
        add-not-opposite 0 .
        add-not-opposite 1 .
        add-not-opposite 2 .
        add-not-opposite 3 .
        cons dist (cdr qr)
      <- d1_q1 . if has-way:
        add (opposite z) d1_q1
      min-ghost-distance-from-go width height m (car d1_q1) (cdr d1_q1)

  ; calculate distances from a single starting point, @start@.
  min-distance-from = . \ width height m start -> . 
    if (== 0 . index-bt2 (car start) (cdr start) m):
      list-to-bt2 . replicate height . replicate width inf
      min-distance-from-go width height m
        (modify-bt2 (car start) (cdr start) (const 0) .
            list-to-bt2 . replicate height . replicate width inf)
        (singleton-queue (cons start 0))
  min-distance-from-go = . \ width height m dist q -> . if (null-queue q):
      qr = . dequeue q
      x = 0
      y = 0
      next-d = 0
      add = 0
      d1_q1 = 0
      <- x . caaar qr
      <- y . cdaar qr
      <- next-d . + 1 . cdar qr
      <- add . \ x1 y1 dq -> .
        if (and:
              valid-location-p width height m x1 y1
              == inf . index-bt2 x1 y1 dist):
            modify-bt2 x1 y1 (const next-d) . car dq
            enqueue (cons (cons x1 y1) next-d) . cdr dq
      <- d1_q1 .
        add (- x 1) y .
        add (+ x 1) y .
        add x (- y 1) .
        add x (+ y 1) .
        cons dist (cdr qr)
      min-distance-from-go width height m (car d1_q1) (cdr d1_q1)

  ; minimum distance to the nearest pill
  min-distance-to-pill = . \ width height m start -> . 
    min-distance-to-pill-go width height m
      (modify-bt2 (car start) (cdr start) (const 0) .
          list-to-bt2 . replicate height . replicate width inf)
      (singleton-queue (cons start 0))
  min-distance-to-pill-go = . \ width height m dist q -> . if (null-queue q):
    (- 0 1000) ; no pill is reachable, we have won the game
      qr = . dequeue q
      x = 0
      y = 0
      next-d = 0
      add = 0
      d1_q1 = 0
      <- x . caaar qr
      <- y . cdaar qr
      <- next-d . + 1 . cdar qr
      <- add . \ x1 y1 dq -> .
        if (and:
              valid-location-p width height m x1 y1
              == inf . index-bt2 x1 y1 dist):
            modify-bt2 x1 y1 (const next-d) . car dq
            enqueue (cons (cons x1 y1) next-d) . cdr dq
      <- d1_q1 .
        add (- x 1) y .
        add (+ x 1) y .
        add x (- y 1) .
        add x (+ y 1) .
        cons dist (cdr qr)
      if (== 2 . index-bt2 x y m):
        cdar qr
        min-distance-to-pill-go width height m (car d1_q1) (cdr d1_q1)

  ; minimum distance between each pair of points
  min-distances-among = . \ width height m -> .
    tabulate-bt2 width height . \ x y -> .
      min-distance-from width height m (cons x y)

  ; infinite distance
  inf = 100000

  make-sim-state = . \ width height m loc score -> .
        cons width height
        cons m loc
  state-width = . \ state -> . caaar state
  state-height = . \ state -> . cdaar state
  state-map = . \ state -> . cadar state
  state-location = . \ state -> . cddar state
  state-score = . \ state -> . cdr state

  move-x = . \ dir x -> .
    if (== dir 1):
      (+ x 1)
      if (== dir 3):
        (- x 1)

  move-y = . \ dir y -> .
    if (== dir 0):
      (- y 1)
      if (== dir 2):
        (+ y 1)

  movable = . \ dir state -> .
      state-width state
      state-height state
      state-map state
      move-x dir . car . state-location state
      move-y dir . cdr . state-location state

  simulate-move = . \ dir state -> . do:
    new-x = . move-x dir . car . state-location state
    new-y = . move-y dir . cdr . state-location state
      state-width state
      state-height state
      modify-bt2 new-x new-y (const 1) . state-map state
      cons new-x new-y
        state-score state
        if (== 2 . index-bt2 new-x new-y . state-map state):

  test-map = 0
  current-map = 0
  map-width = 0
  map-height = 0
  map-distances = 0
  directions = . list 0 1 2 3

  distance-to = . \ from to -> .
    index-bt2 (car to) (cdr to) .
      index-bt2 (car from) (cdr from) map-distances

  think = . \ state world -> . let:
    man-state = . cadr world
    ghost-states = . caddr world
    enemy-distance-score = . \ state -> .
      minimum-on 0 (\ x -> x) .
        map (\ ghost -> . distance-to (state-location state) . cadr ghost)
    score-state = . \ state -> . +:
      state-score state
        * 2 . enemy-distance-score state
          state-width state
          state-height state
          state-map state
          state-location state

    ;score-move = . \ dir -> . if (movable dir sim-state):
    ;  score-state . simulate-move dir sim-state
    ;  0
    score-move = . \ dir -> . do:
      score = . if (movable dir sim-state):
        score-state . simulate-move dir sim-state
      trace (list 1 dir score) score
    man-location = 0
    sim-state = 0
    next-direction = 0

      trace (cons 5 ghost-states) .
        <- man-location . cadr man-state
      <- sim-state . make-sim-state map-width map-height current-map man-location 0
      <- next-direction . maximum-on 100 score-move directions
      <- current-map . state-map . simulate-move next-direction sim-state
      trace (cons 0 next-direction) .
        cons state next-direction

    <- current-map . list-to-bt2 . car world0
    <- map-width . length . car . car world0
    <- map-height . length . car world0
    <- map-distances .
      min-distances-among map-width map-height current-map

    <- test-map . list-to-bt2 . list:
      list 1 0 1
      list 1 1 1
    ; step = . \ state world -> . cons 0 1
    ; cons 0 step
    ;index-bt (list-to-bt . cons 100 . cons 1001 . cons 1002 0) 1
    ; heap-take-min . cdr . heap-take-min . insert-heap 1 100 . insert-heap 3 300 . insert-heap 2 200 . singleton-heap 9 900
    ; update-bt 3 8 (list-to-bt . replicate 10 4)
    ; dequeue . cdr . dequeue . enqueue 1 . enqueue 2 . enqueue 3 . singleton-queue 4
    ; modify-bt2 0 1 (\ x -> . + x 1) .
    ; modify-bt2 0 1 (\ x -> . + x 1) . cons (cons (cons (cons 0 1) 2) (cons (cons 2 3) 2)) 2
    ; min-distances-among 3 2 test-map
    ;trace (min-ghost-distance-from 3 2 test-map (cons 0 0)) 0

    cons 12345 think
    ;think 12345 world0


